Business Scenarios

The Business Scenarios tool provides a way to capture questions and scenarios using English or the written language of your choice. This is the step taken before data modeling, enabling you to capture "What problem am I trying to solve?"

The Business Scenarios tool acts as both a beginning and an end of a development lifecycle.

Throughout the Business Scenarios documentation, the shortened term Scenarios may be used.

Scenario Set

A collection of Business Scenarios is called a Scenario Set. Scenarios can be added manually or they can be imported from Excel or Google Sheets. To import them, see Import. To add them manually, click the Add Scenario button. A new Scenario block will be added.


Once the Add Scenario button is clicked, a new Scenario block will appear. In the text box, enter a description of the scenario by typing in the appropriate text. Think of this area as a document or short note describing the question you are trying to answer, or a description of the business problem you are trying to solve.

You can edit the Scenario title by clicking the text and entering in a new title. Type <Enter> to save your changes.

Data Modeling

Once several scenarios have been added, you can start data modeling from with the Scenarios tool. For more information see Scenario Data Modeling.

Cypher Linking

Once scenarios are added, you can also start linking cypher queries to them. For more information, click Cypher Linking.


Validation is provided to verify the following:

  • All scenarios have at least one associated Cypher statement

  • Each Cypher statement conforms to the associated data model

For more information on Validation, see Validation.


The following provide links to the features available under the menus:

Click on an item above to get more information.