What happened to Solutions Workbench?

Cypher Workbench and Solutions Workbench are the same project. The project started off in 2020 and was named Cypher Workbench. A year or two later it got renamed to Solutions Workbench, but many people still referred to it as Cypher Workbench. For the labs release, we believe Cypher Workbench is a more appropriate name and have therefore switched the name back to Cypher Workbench.

How can I select multiple elements on the canvas?

To select multiple elements hold shift and drag your cursor over the elements you wish to select. You can also hold down the command key (Mac) or ctrl key (Windows) and click individual items to select more than one.

"Can I change the way my model is displayed on the canvas?

Yes. All layout functions can be found under the 'Layout' tab. Caution: there is currently no Undo. Clicking layout will lose positions on the canvas.

How do I enter properties?

You can click on a NodeLabel or RelationshipType to bring up its tool ribbon. Click on the properties icon to bring up the properties dialog.

Can I use Cypher to populate my model?

Yes. You can type Cypher into the text box in the upper left-hand corner and it will be reflected in your model after you press enter. You can also use the Parse > Parse Cypher menu item.

How do I edit text?

  1. Double click on a Node Label or Relationship Type. A text box will appear.

  2. Type in the new text and hit <Enter> or click away to save the changes.

Use <Esc> to cancel changes.

When I try to login, the browser goes into an infinite refresh loop. How can I fix this?

It appears that your browser settings are preventing authentication cookies from being forwarded to the Cypher Workbench cloud services. In Chrome, open up a new tab and navigate to here: chrome://settings/cookies. Add the following URLs under 'Sites that can always use cookies' https://e1-cw.neo4j.solutions, https://cypher-workbench-dev1.auth0.com. Once added, try to login in again.