Cypher Statement

You can type Cypher directly into the Cypher editor. However, it is more common to copy / paste existing Cypher that you want to troubleshoot into the Cypher editor. The image below shows a Cypher statement that has been pasted into the editor.

cypher workbench reveal cypher editor edit

Feel free to copy the following Cypher statement and paste into the editor to try it out.

MATCH (:Station { name: 'Denmark Hill' })<-[:CALLS_AT]-(d:Stop)
      (a:Stop)-[:CALLS_AT]->(:Station { name: 'Clapham Junction' })
RETURN d.departs AS departureTime, a.arrives AS arrivalTime

Debugging mode: Read-only editor

When the Debug button (cypher workbench reveal toolbar debug) in the toolbar is clicked, the editor becomes read-only. No changes can be made to the Cypher statement until you exit debug mode by clicking the Stop Debugging (cypher workbench reveal toolbar stop) button.